Iowa Satanic Schools

Stealing your tax dollars through school vouchers

Is Johnston clearing the way for Iowa Satanic Schools' new sign?

Eternity mega-church acquired the former AMC/Wynnsong theater in 2024 for a little under $4.5 million and invested heavily in renovations for their new headquarters.  Through connections with a former city staffer, Eternity Church has been guided on exactly how to write their request for a zoning adjustment ruling from Johnston's Board of Adjustments. 

But this proposed Jesus sign will clear the way for our new signage! Don't worry; our legal team and the ACLU will be ready to remind Johnston that giving preferential treatment to one religion means all other religions deserve the same!

Concept voting will begin after the Johnston City Council convenes to approve religious sign exemptions for all!  Artist and engineering rendering is expected to take 4-5 months, and funding has been identified through the Special Use funds.  Log in to your portal account by February 14th to cast your vote!