Our Plan

Big Picture

Every unbiased study on schemes that divert taxpayer money to private education institutions show they fail students, families, and create a lasting burdon on local economies.  Call them vouchers, call them ESAs, call them "dollars follow students" - the only one who wins is the private schools. We love socialism as much as the next kid; why shouldn't we hold our hand out and get our slice of the pie?  

Only 3% of Iowa Students will benefit from vouchers, leaving 97% that won't be able to be accommodated by Iowa's existing private schools.  From IEP and support services that won't be honored to LEGAL discrimination against LGBTQ+ students and families - we see that as an untapped market for our school.  Initial enrollment may be low, but as more and more dollars are diverted away from public schools to private for-profit schools, resulting in school consolidation,  some families will have no option but to enroll their child in one of our programs.

2026-2027 School Year

Open Polk County location, with bus service from Ankeny/Polk City, Grimes, Johnston, Urbandale, West Des Moines, Clive, Altoona, and Pleasant Hill.  Remote/distance learning option (asynchronous) available.

2027-2030 School Years

Begin opening remote/satellite locations with more palletable names to increase local acceptance.  Ideally, parents will be thrilled to have a new, local private school option. Goal to open 3-6 locations each school year.

2031 and Beyond

Begin opening remote/satellite locations with more palletable names to increase local acceptance.  Ideally, parents will be thrilled to have a new, local private school option. Goal to open 3-6 locations each school year.